Trochu som sa rozhodol upratať v starej technike. Teda ani nie tak v starej, ale takej, ktorú už nepoužívam. Rozhodol som sa speňažiť čo sa dá a investovať do niečoho, čo sa zíde viac. I napísal som inzerát na BAZOŠ. Prekvapila ma odozva. Hneď nejaké dve ponuky.
Prvá ma vyzývala na obchod: "Je tento produkt ešte k dispozícii na predaj? Láskavo odpovedzte na môj e-mail pre rýchly obchod."
Tak som teda odpovedal. Pani, vraj z Ukrajiny. Spozornel som. Poslala aj adresu, aj na poštovné sa opýtala... Tak som to čekol. Ulica existuje. Sídlia tam nejaké vládne inštitúcie. A v zápätí mi prišiel e-mail, že poslal peniaze. Ale cez nejakú "akože" americkú banku, ktorá mi ich pošle až vtedy, keď odošlem podacie číslo.
Takéto čosi mi prišlo:
We have looked up your transaction and we are glad to inform you that the transaction is valid and active, the reason why you have not received the funds yet is that we are still waiting for the shipment receipt for the item Viktoria Kolarova bought from you, this is to protect both buyer and seller on auction sites, immediately we have validated the shipment receipt which you will be emailing to us the funds will be immediately credited to your account automatically within minutes and you can go to your account to cash your total funds transferred to you. The process which you will have to follow so that you can get your money are being stated below:
1. Go to the post office and send the package.
2. Send the shipment tracking or a copy of the receipt to our email for the shipment verification.
3. You will have to be patient till when the shipment verification process is completed.
4. Your account would be credited immediately the shipment verification process is over. You will receive the transfer payment in your account after we have received your shipment receipt. You are to email the shipment receipt/shipment tracking number to this our same email address. Our policy is that transferred amount cannot be released to your account until shipment receipt is received from the seller/you.We apologize for any inconvenience. The payment is on pending on our database here and will not reflect in your account until we have received the information required to transfer the funds to your account. We would also like to inform you that the funds have been deposited in our Escrow Account which would be transferred to your account once transaction is completed.Thanks for using our bank for your online money transfer/ bank wire transferWe appreciate your kind corporation.
Hovorím si, treba to overiť. Veď ten e-mail nemá ani len meno, kto to odosiela. Tak som sa rozhodol získať od pani nejaké informácie o platbe. Napríklad číslo transakcie, podľa ktorého by som si to vedel overiť.
Pani z Ukrajiny naliehala, aby som tovar okamžite poslal: "Prosím, počúvajte ma, uskutočnil som platbu na svoj účet a máte potvrdenie od mojej banky. Prosím, nemôžete dostať peniaze vo svojom účte, ak nezašlete mojej banke doklad o prepraveRozumieš?"
Nuž napísal som do jej banky. Nikto sa mi dodnes neozval. Ani pani z Ukrajiny. Keď som odpísal, že ten e-mail z jej banky je dosť podozrivý, už sa viac neozvala. Zato mi prišlo niekoľko ďalších ponúk od záujemcov na kúpu tovaru. Jedno mali spoločné. Ich e-maily prekladal prekladač do slovenčiny. Aj keď ich adresy boli slovenské...
Vyzerá to tak, že cez ten BAZOŠ nič nepredám :)
Tak AHOJ BARDEJOV! MOJA NÁRUČ JE STÁLE OTVORENÁ NOVÝM ZÁŽITKOM. Vyzerá to tak, že ich tu bude viac, ako som myslel :)